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# Volumes by slicing
This section uses these add-on packages:
using CalculusWithJulia
using Plots
using QuadGK
using Unitful, UnitfulUS
using Roots
using SymPy
```julia; echo=false; results="hidden"
using CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport
import LinearAlgebra: norm
const frontmatter = (
title = "Volumes by slicing",
description = "Calculus with Julia: Volumes by slicing",
tags = ["CalculusWithJulia", "integrals", "volumes by slicing"],
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
imgfile = "figures/michelin-man.jpg"
caption = """
Hey Michelin Man, how much does that costume weigh?
ImageFile(:integrals, imgfile, caption)
An ad for a summer job says work as the Michelin Man! Sounds
promising, but how much will that costume weigh? A very hot summer may
make walking around in a heavy costume quite uncomfortable.
A back-of-the envelope calculation would start by
* Mentally separating out each "tire" and lining them up one by one.
* Counting the number of "tires" (or rings), say $n$.
* Estimating the radius for each tire, say $r_i$ for $1 \leq i \leq n$.
* Estimating the height for each tire, say $h_i$ for $1 \leq i \leq n$
Then the volume would be found by adding:
V = \pi \cdot r_1^2 \cdot h_1 + \pi \cdot r_2^2 \cdot h_2 + \cdot + \pi \cdot r_n^2 \cdot h_n.
The weight would come by multiplying the volume by some appropriate density.
Looking at the sum though, we see the makings of an approximate
integral. If the heights were to get infinitely small, we might expect
this to approach something like $V=\int_a^b \pi r(h)^2 dh$.
In fact, we have in general:
> **Volume of a figure with a known cross section**: The volume of a solid with known cross-sectional
> area $A_{xc}(x)$ from $x=a$ to $x=b$ is given by
> `` V = \int_a^b A_{xc}(x) dx.``
> This assumes $A_{xc}(x)$ is integrable.
This formula is derived by approximating the volume by "slabs" with
volume $A_{xc}(x) \Delta x$ and using the Riemann integral's definition to
pass to the limit. The discs of the Michelin man are an example, where
the cross-sectional area is just that of a circle, or $\pi r^2$.
## Solids of revolution
We begin with some examples of a special class of solids - solids of
revolution. These have an axis of symmetry from which the slabs are
then just circular disks.
Consider the volume contained in this glass, it will depend on the radius at different values of $x$:
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
imgfile = "figures/integration-glass.jpg"
caption = L"""
A wine glass oriented so that it is seen as generated by revolving a
curve about the $x$ axis. The radius of revolution varies as a function of $x$
between about $0$ and $6.2$cm.
ImageFile(:integrals, imgfile, caption)
If $r(x)$ is the radius as a function of $x$, then the cross sectional
area is $\pi r(x)^2$ so the volume is given by:
V = \int_a^b \pi r(x)^2 dx.
```julia; echo=false
The formula is for a rotation around the $x$-axis, but can easily be generalized to rotating around any line (say the $y$-axis or $y=x$, ...) just by adjusting what $r(x)$ is taken to be.
For a numeric example, we consider the original Red
[Solo](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Solo_Cup) Cup. The dimensions
of the cup were basically: a top diameter of $d_1 = 3~ \frac{3}{4}$
inches, a bottom diameter of $d_0 = 2~ \frac{1}{2}$ inches and a height of $h =
4~ \frac{3}{4}$ inches.
The central axis is straight down. If we rotate the cup so this is the $x$-axis, then we can get
r(x) = \frac{d_0}{2} + \frac{d_1/2 - d_0/2}{h}x = \frac{5}{4} + \frac{5}{38}x
The volume in cubic inches will be:
V = \int_0^h \pi r(x)^2 dx
This is
d0, d1, h = 2.5, 3.75, 4.75
r(x) = d0/2 + (d1/2 - d0/2)/h * x
vol, _ = quadgk(x -> pi * r(x)^2, 0, h)
So $36.9 \text{in}^3$. How many ounces is that? It is useful to know
that 1 [gallon](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallon) of water is
defined as $231$ cubic inches, contains $128$ ounces, and weighs $8.34$
So our cup holds this many ounces:
ozs = vol / 231 * 128
Full it is about $20$ ounces, though this doesn't really account for the volume taken up by the bottom of the cup, etc.
If you are poor with units, `Julia` can provide some help through the `Unitful` package. Here the additional `UnitfulUS` package must also be included, as was done above, to access fluid ounces:
vol * u"inch"^3 |> us"floz"
Before Solo "squared" the cup, the Solo cup had markings that - [some thought](http://www.snopes.com/food/prepare/solocups.asp) - indicated certain volume amounts.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
imgfile = "figures/red-solo-cup.jpg"
caption = "Markings on the red Solo cup indicated various volumes"
ImageFile(:integrals, imgfile, caption)
What is the height for $5$ ounces (for a glass of wine)? $12$ ounces (for a beer unit)?
Here the volume is fixed, but the height is not. For $v$ ounces, we need to convert to cubic inches. The conversion is
$1$ ounce is $231/128 \text{in}^3$.
So we need to solve $v \cdot (231/128) = \int_0^h\pi r(x)^2 dx$ for $h$ when $v=5$ and $v=12$.
Let's express volume as a function of $h$:
Vol(h) = quadgk(x -> pi * r(x)^2, 0, h)[1]
Then to solve we have:
v₅ = 5
h5 = find_zero(h -> Vol(h) - v₅ * 231 / 128, 4)
v₁₂ = 12
h12 = find_zero(h -> Vol(h) - v₁₂ * 231 / 128, 4)
As a percentage of the total height, these are:
h5/h, h12/h
Were performance at issue, Newton's method might also have been considered here, as the derivative is easily computed by the fundamental theorem of calculus.
##### Example
By rotating the line segment $x/r + y/h=1$ that sits in the first
quadrant around the $y$ axis, we will generate a right-circular
cone. The volume of which can be expressed through the above formula
by noting the radius, as a function of $y$, will be $R = r(1 -
y/h)$. This gives the well-known volume of a cone:
```julia; hold=true
@syms r h x y
R = r*(1 - y/h)
integrate(pi*R^2, (y, 0, h))
The frustum of a cone is simply viewed as a cone with its top cut off. If the original height would have been $h_0$ and the actual height $h_1$, then the volume remaining is just $\int_{h_0}^h \pi r(y)^2 dy = \pi h_1 r^2/3 - \pi h_0 r^2/3 = \pi r^2 (h_1-h_0)/3$.
It is not unusual to parameterize a cone by the angle $\theta$ it
makes and the height. Since $r/h=\tan\theta$, this gives the formula
$V = \pi/3\cdot h^3\tan(\theta)^2$.
##### Example
[Gabriel's](http://tinyurl.com/8a6ygv) horn is a geometric figure of mathematics - but not the real world - which has infinite height, but not volume! The figure is found by rotating the curve $y=1/x$ around the $x$ axis from $1$ to $\infty$. If the volume formula holds, what is the volume of this "horn?"
radius(x) = 1/x
quadgk(x -> pi*radius(x)^2, 1, Inf)[1]
That is a value very reminiscent of $\pi$, which it is as $\int_1^\infty 1/x^2 dx = -1/x\big|_1^\infty=1$.
```julia; echo=false
The interest in this figure is that soon we will be able to show that
it has **infinite** surface area, leading to the
[paradox](http://tinyurl.com/osawwqm) that it seems possible to fill
it with paint, but not paint the outside.
##### Example
A movie studio hand is asked to find a prop vase to be used as a
[Ming vase](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_ceramics) in an
upcoming scene. The dimensions specified are for the outside diameter
in centimeters and are given by
d(h) = \begin{cases}
2 \sqrt{26^2 - (h-20)^2} & 0 \leq h \leq 44\\
20 \cdot e^{-(h - 44)/10} & 44 < h \leq 50.
If the vase were solid, what would be the volume?
We define `d` using a ternary operator to handle the two cases:
d(h) = h <= 44 ? 2*sqrt(26^2 - (h-20)^2) : 20 * exp(-(h-44)/10)
rad(h) = d(h)/2
The volume in cm$^3$ is then:
Vₜ, _ = quadgk(h -> pi * rad(h)^2, 0, 50)
For the actual shoot, the vase is to be filled with ash, to simulate a
funeral urn. (It will then be knocked over in a humorous manner, of
course.) How much ash is needed if the vase has walls that are 1/2
centimeter thick
We need to subtract $0.5$ from the radius and `a` then recompute:
V_int, _ = quadgk(h -> pi * (rad(h) - 1/2)^2, 1/2, 50)
A liter of volume is $1000 \text{cm}^3$. So this is about $68$ liters, or more than 15
gallons. Perhaps the dimensions given were bit off.
While we are here, to compute the actual volume of the material in the vase could be done by subtraction.
Vₜ - V_int
### The washer method
Returning to the Michelin Man, in our initial back-of-the-envelope calculation we didn't account for the fact that a tire isn't a disc, as it has its center cut out. Returning, suppose $R_i$ is the outer radius and $r_i$ the inner radius. Then each tire has volume
\pi R_i^2 h_i - \pi r_i^2 h_i = \pi (R_i^2 - r_i^2) h_i.
Rather than use $\pi r(x)^2$ for a cross section, we would use $\pi (R(x)^2 - r(x)^2)$.
In general we call a shape like the tire a "washer" and use this formula for a washer's cross section
$A_{xc}(x) = \pi(R(x)^2 - r(x)^2)$.
Then the volume for the solid of revolution whose cross sections are washers would be:
V = \int_a^b \pi \cdot (R(x)^2 - r(x)^2) dx.
##### Example
An artist is working with a half-sphere of material, and wishes to
bore out a conical shape. What would be the resulting volume, if the
two figures are modeled by
R(x) = \sqrt{1^2 - (x-1)^2}, \quad r(x) = x,
with $x$ ranging from $x=0$ to $1$?
The answer comes by integrating:
```julia; hold=true
Rad(x) = sqrt(1 - (x-1)^2)
rad(x) = x
V, _ = quadgk(x -> pi*(Rad(x)^2 - rad(x)^2), 0, 1)
## Solids with known cross section
The Dart cup company now produces the red solo cup with a
[square](http://www.solocup.com/products/squared-plastic-cup/) cross
section. Suppose the dimensions are the same: a top diameter of $d_1 =
3 3/4$ inches, a bottom diameter of $d_0 = 2 1/2$ inches and a height
of $h = 4 3/4$ inches. What is the volume now?
The difference, of course, is that cross sections now have area $d^2$, as opposed to $\pi r^2$. This leads to some difference, which we quantify, as follows:
```julia; hold=true
d0, d1, h = 2.5, 3.75, 4.75
d(x) = d0 + (d1 - d0)/h * x
vol, _ = quadgk(x -> d(x)^2, 0, h)
vol / 231 * 128
This shape would have more volume - the cross sections are bigger. Presumably
the dimensions have changed. Without going out and buying a cup, let's
assume the cross-sectional diameter remained the same, not the
diameter. This means the largest dimension is the same. The cross
section diameter is $\sqrt{2}$ larger. What would this do to the area?
We could do this two ways: divide $d_0$ and $d_1$ by $\sqrt{2}$ and
recompute. However, each cross section of this narrower cup would
simply be $\sqrt{2}^2$ smaller, so the total volume would change by
$2$, or be 13 ounces. We have $26.04$ is too big, and $13.02$ is too
small, so some other overall dimensions are used.
##### Example
For a general cone, we use this [definition](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cone):
> A cone is the solid figure bounded by a base in a plane and by a
> surface (called the lateral surface) formed by the locus of all
> straight line segments joining the apex to the perimeter of the
> base.
Let $h$ be the distance from the apex to the base. Consider cones with the property that all planes parallel to the base intersect the cone with the same shape, though perhaps a different scale. This figure shows an example, with the rays coming from the apex defining the volume.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
h = 5
R, r, rho = 1, 1/4, 1/4
f(t) = (R-r) * cos(t) + rho * cos((R-r)/r * t)
g(t) = (R-r) * sin(t) - rho * sin((R-r)/r * t)
ts = range(0, 2pi, length=100)
p = plot(f.(ts), g.(ts), zero.(ts), legend=false)
for t ∈ range(0, 2pi, length=25)
plot!(p, [0,f(t)], [0,g(t)], [h, 0], linecolor=:red)
A right circular cone is one where this shape is a circle. This
definition can be more general, as a square-based right pyramid is also
such a cone. After possibly reorienting the cone in space so the base
is at $u=0$ and the apex at $u=h$ the volume of the cone can be found
V = \int_0^h A_{xc}(u) du.
The cross sectional area $A_{xc}(u)$ satisfies a formula in terms of $A_{xc}(0)$, the area of the base:
A_{xc}(u) = A_{xc}(0) \cdot (1 - \frac{u}{h})^2
So the integral becomes:
V = \int_0^h A_{xc}(u) du = A_{xc}(0) \int_0^h (1 - \frac{u}{h})^2 du = A_{xc}(0) \int_0^1 v^2 \frac{1}{h} dv = A_{xc}(0) \frac{h}{3}.
This gives a general formula for the volume of such cones.
### Cavalieri's method
[Cavalieri's](http://tinyurl.com/oda9xd9) Principle is "Suppose two
regions in three-space (solids) are included between two parallel
planes. If every plane parallel to these two planes intersects both
regions in cross-sections of equal area, then the two regions have
equal volumes." (Wikipedia).
With the formula for the volume of solids based on cross sections,
this is a trivial observation, as the functions giving the
cross-sectional area are identical. Still, it can be surprising.
Consider a sphere with an interior cylinder bored out of it. (The
[Napkin](http://tinyurl.com/o237v83) ring problem.) The bore has
height $h$ - for larger radius spheres this means very wide bores.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
#The following illustrates $R=5$ and $h=8$.
R =5; h1 = 2*4
theta = asin(h1/2/R)
thetas = range(-theta, stop=theta, length=100)
ts = range(-pi, stop=pi, length=100)
y = h1/4
p = plot(legend=false, aspect_ratio=:equal);
plot!(p, R*cos.(ts), R*sin.(ts));
plot!(p, R*cos.(thetas), R*sin.(thetas), color=:orange);
plot!(p, [R*cos.(theta), R*cos.(theta)], [h1/2, -h1/2], color=:orange);
plot!(p, [R*cos.(theta), sqrt(R^2 - y^2)], [y, y], color=:orange)
plot!(p, [0, R*cos.(theta)], [0,0], color=:red);
plot!(p,[ 0, R*cos.(theta)], [0,h1/2], color=:red);
annotate!(p, [(.5, -2/3, "sqrt(R²- (h/2)²)"),
(R*cos.(theta)-.6, h1/4, "h/2"),
(1.5, 1.75*tan.(theta), "R")])
The small orange line is rotated, so using the washer method we get the cross sections given by $\pi(r_0^2 - r_i^2)$, the outer and inner radii, as a function of $y$.
The outer radii has points $(x,y)$ satisfying $x^2 + y^2 = R^2$, so is $\sqrt{R^2 - y^2}$. The inner radii has a constant value, and as indicated in the figure, is $\sqrt{R^2 - (h/2)^2}$, by the Pythagorean theorem.
Thus the cross sectional area is
\pi( (\sqrt{R^2 - y^2})^2 - (\sqrt{R^2 - (h/2)^2})^2 )
= \pi ((R^2 - y^2) - (R^2 - (h/2)^2))
= \pi ((\frac{h}{2})^2 - y^2)
As this does not depend on $R$, and the limits of integration would
always be $-h/2$ to $h/2$ by Cavalieri's principle, the volume of the
solid will be independent of $R$ too.
To actually compute this volume, we take $R=h/2$, so that the bore
hole is just a line of no volume, the resulting volume is then that of
a sphere with radius $h/2$, or $4/3\pi(h/2)^3 = \pi h^3/6$.
## The second theorem of Pappus
The second theorem of [Pappus](http://tinyurl.com/l43vw4) says that if
a plane figure $F$ is rotated around an axis to form a solid of
revolution, the total volume can be written as $2\pi r A(F)$, where
$r$ is the distance the centroid is from the axis of revolution, and
$A(F)$ is the area of the plane figure. In short, the distance
traveled by the centroid times the area.
This can make some computations trivial. For example, we can make
a torus (or donut) by rotating the circle $(x-2)^2 + y^2 = 1$ about the
$y$ axis. As the centroid is clearly $(2, 0)$, with $r=2$ in the above
formula, and the area of the circle is $\pi 1^2$, the volume of the
donut is $2\pi(2)(\pi) = 4\pi^2$.
##### Example
Above, we found the volume of a cone, as it is a solid of revolution,
through the general formula. However, parameterizing the cone as the
revolution of a triangle with vertices $(0,0)$, $(r, 0)$, and $(0,h)$
and using the formula for the center of mass in the $x$ direction of
such a triangle, $r/3$, we get that the volume of a cone with
height $h$ and radius $r$ is $2\pi (r/3)\cdot (rh/2) = \pi r^2 h/3$, in agreement with the calculus based computation.
## Questions
###### Question
Consider this big Solo cup:
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
imgfile ="figures/big-solo-cup.jpg"
caption = " Big solo cup. "
ImageFile(:integrals, imgfile, caption)
It has approximate dimensions: smaller radius 5 feet, upper radius 8 feet and height 15 feet. How many gallons is it?
At $8$ pounds a gallon this would be pretty heavy!
Two facts are useful:
* a cubic foot is 7.48052 gallons
* the radius as a function of height is $r(h) = 5 + (3/15)\cdot h$
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
gft = 7.48052
rad(h) = 5 + (3/15)*h
a,err = quadgk(h -> pi*rad(h)^2, 0, 15)
val = a*gft
numericq(val, 1e1)
###### Question
In *Glass Shape Influences Consumption Rate* for Alcoholic
the authors demonstrate that the shape of the glass can have an effect
on the rate of consumption, presumably people drink faster when they
aren't sure how much they have left. In particular, they comment that
people have difficulty judging the half-finished-by-volume mark.
This figure shows some of the wide variety of beer-serving glasses:
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
imgfile ="figures/beer_glasses.jpg"
caption = "A variety of different serving glasses for beer."
ImageFile(:integrals, imgfile, caption)
We work with metric units, as there is a natural relation between
volume in cm$^3$ and liquid measure ($1$ liter = $1000$ cm$^3$, so a $16$-oz
pint glass is roughly $450$ cm$^3$.)
Let two glasses be given as follows. A typical pint glass with linearly increasing radius:
r(h) = 3 + \frac{1}{5}h, \quad 0 \leq h \leq b;
and a curved-edge one:
s(h) = 3 + \log(1 + h), \quad 0 \leq h \leq b
The following functions find the volume as a function of height, $h$:
r1(h) = 3 + h/5
s1(h) = 2 + log(1 + h)
r_vol(h) = quadgk(x -> pi*r1(x)^2, 0, h)[1]
s_vol(h) = quadgk(x -> pi*s1(x)^2, 0, h)[1]
* For the straight-sided glass find $h$ so that the volume is $450$.
```julia; echo=false
h450 = find_zero(h -> r_vol(h) - 450, 10)
* For the straight-sided glass find $h$ so that the volume is $225$ (half full).
```julia; echo=false
h225 = find_zero(h -> r_vol(h) - 225, 10)
* For the straight-sided glass, what is the percentage of the total height when the glass is half full. (For a cylinder it would just be 50.
```julia; echo=false
numericq(h225/450 * 100, 2, units="percent")
* People often confuse the half-way by height amount for the half way
by volume, as it is for the cylinder. Take the height for the
straight-sided glass filled with $450$ mm, divide it by $2$, then
compute the percentage of volume at the half way height to the
```julia; echo=false
numericq(r_vol(h450/2)/450*100, 2, units="percent")
* For the curved-sided glass find $h$ so that the volume is $450$.
```julia; echo=false
h_450 = find_zero(h -> s_vol(h) - 450, 10)
* For the curved-sided glass find $h$ so that the volume is $225$ (half full).
```julia; echo=false
h_225 = find_zero(h -> s_vol(h) - 225, 10)
* For the curved-sided glass, what is the percentage of the total height when the glass is half full. (For a cylinder it would just be 50.
```julia; echo=false
numericq(h_225/450 * 100, 2, units="percent")
* People often confuse the half-way by height amount for the half way
by volume, as it is for the cylinder. Take the height for the
curved-sided glass filled with $450$ mm, divide it by $2$, then
compute the percentage of volume at the half way height to the
```julia; echo=false
numericq(s_vol(h_450/2)/450*100, 2, units="percent")
###### Question
A right [pyramid](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_%28geometry%29) has its apex (top point) above the centroid of its base, and for our purposes, each of its cross sections. Suppose a pyramid has square base of dimension $w$ and height of dimension $h$.
Will this integral give the volume:
V = \int_0^h w^2 (1 - \frac{y}{h})^2 dy?
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
What is the volume?
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
choices = [
"``1/3 \\cdot b\\cdot h``",
"``1/3 \\cdot w^2\\cdot h``",
"``l\\cdot w \\cdot h/ 3``"
ans = 2
radioq(choices, ans)
###### Question
An ellipsoid is formed by rotating the region in the first and second
quadrants bounded by the ellipse $(x/2)^2 + (y/3)^2=1$ and the $x$
axis around the $x$ axis. What is the volume of this ellipsoid? Find it numerically.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
f(x) = 3*sqrt( 1 - (x/2)^2 )
val, _ = quadgk(x -> pi * f(x)^2, -2, 2)
###### Question
An ellipsoid is formed by rotating the region in the first and second
quadrants bounded by the ellipse $(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2=1$ and the $x$
axis around the $x$ axis. What is the volume of this ellipsoid? Find it symbolically.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
choices = [
"``4/3 \\cdot \\pi a b^2``",
"``4/3 \\cdot \\pi a^2 b``",
"``\\pi/3 \\cdot a b^2``"
ans = 1
radioq(choices, ans)
###### Question
A solid is generated by rotating the region enclosed by the graph
$y=\sqrt{x}$, the lines $x=1$, $x=2$, and $y=1$ about the $x$
axis. Find the volume of the solid.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
Ra(x) = sqrt(x)
ra(x) = 1
val, _ = quadgk(x -> pi * (Ra(x)^2 - ra(x)^2), a,b)
###### Question
The region enclosed by the graphs of $y=x^3 - 1$ and $y=x-1$ are rotated around the $y$ axis. What is the volume of the solid?
```julia; hold=true;
@syms x
plot(x^3 - 1, 0, 1, legend=false)
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
Ra(y) = cbrt(y+1)
ra(y) = y + 1
a,b = 0, 1
val, _ = quadgk(x -> pi * (Ra(x)^2 - ra(x)^2), a,b)
###### Question
Rotate the region bounded by $y=e^x$, the line $x=\log(2)$ and the first quadrant about the line $x=\log(2)$.
(Be careful, the radius in the formula $V=\int_a^b \pi r(u)^2 du$ is from the line $x=\log(2)$.)
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
a, b = 0, exp(log(2))
ra(y) = log(2) - log(y)
val, _ = quadgk(y -> pi * ra(y)^2, a, b)
###### Question
Find the volume of rotating the region bounded by the line $y=x$, $x=1$ and the $x$-axis around the line $y=x$. (The Theorem of Pappus is convenient and the fact that the centroid of the triangular region lies at $(2/3, 1/3)$.)
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
cm=[2/3, 1/3]
c = [1/2, 1/2]
r = norm(cm - c)
A = 1/2 * 1 * 1
val = 2pi*r*A
###### Question
Rotate the region bounded by the line $y=x$ and the function $f(x) = x^2$ about the line $y=x$. What is the resulting volume?
You can integrate in the length along the line $y=x$ ($u$ from $0$ to $\sqrt{2}$). The radius then can be found by intersecting the line perpendicular line to $y=x$ at $u$ to the curve $f(x)$. This will do so:
theta = pi/4 ## we write y=x as y = x * tan(pi/4) for more generality, as this allows other slants.
f(x) = x^2
𝒙(u) = find_zero(x -> u*sin(theta) - 1/tan(theta) * (x - u*cos(theta)) - f(x), (u*cos(theta), 1))
𝒓(u) = sqrt((u*cos(theta) - 𝒙(u))^2 + (u*sin(theta) - f(𝒙(u)))^2)
(Though in this case you can also find `r(u)` using the quadratic formula.)
With this, find the volume.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
a, b = 0, sqrt(2)
val, _ = quadgk(u -> pi*𝒓(u)^2, a, b)
Repeat (find the volume) only this time with the function $f(x) = x^{20}$.
```julia; hold=true; echo=false
a, b = 0, sqrt(2)
f(x) = x^20
xval(u) = find_zero(x -> u*sin(theta) - 1/tan(theta) * (x - u*cos(theta)) - f(x), (0,sqrt(2)))
rad(u) = sqrt((u*cos(theta) - xval(u))^2 + (u*sin(theta) - f(xval(u)))^2)
val, _ = quadgk(u -> pi*rad(u)^2, a, b)