## TODO * download links to Pluto .jl files (if we have .jmd, but we might deprecate...) * PlotlyLight * mermaid, ojs? DONE * clean up edit link DONE * remove pinned header DONE * clean up directory DONE (?) * JSXGraph files # CalculusWithJulia via quarto To compile the pages through quarto * author in `.jmd` files (to be run through pluto) * run `julia make_qmd.jl` to convert to `.qmd` files - The files in subdirectories are generated, they should not be edited - The files in this main directory are quarto specific. - `_book` and `_freeze` are conveniences * run `quarto preview` to develop interactively (kinda slow!) * run `quarto render` to render pages (not too bad) # to publish * bump the version number in `_quarto.yml`, `Project.toml` * run `quarto publish gh-pages` to publish * or `quarto publish gh-pages --no-render` to avoid re-rendering, when just done * should also push project to github * no need to push `_freeze` the repo, as files are locally rendered for now. * This error > fatal: 'gh-pages' is already checked out at '/Users/verzani/julia/CalculusWithJuliaNotes/quarto/f5611730' was solved with > git worktree remove f5611730 --- Eventually, if this workflow seems to be settled: * deprecate .jmd files * deprecate need to make "pluto friendly" * do something with JSXGraph * figure out why PlotlyLight doesn't work * move to not use CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport * use an include file not the "hack" in jmd2qmd * modify sympy's show method * take advantage of mermaid, ojs, bibliography, ...