using Documenter using ArgParse using CalculusWithJuliaNotes include("weave-support.jl") include("markdown-to-pluto.jl") ## The command line gathers ## folder[=nothing], file[=nothing], target[=html], force[=false] function parse_commandline() s = ArgParseSettings() @add_arg_table! s begin "--folder", "-F" help = "Input folder name" default = nothing "--file", "-f" help = "Input file name" default = nothing "--target", "-o" help="target type: html, weave_html, ipynb, " default = "html" "--force" help = "Force compliation" default = "false" end return parse_args(s) end # build pages d = parse_commandline() folder, file = d["folder"], d["file"] target = Symbol(d["target"]) force = parse(Bool, d["force"]) if isnothing(folder) && isnothing(file) # keep it simple for now; uncomment above once build goes through #build_all(force) build_pages("precalc", nothing, :html, force) #build_toc() else build_pages(folder, file, :html, force) end # Documenter can also automatically deploy documentation to gh-pages. # See "Hosting Documentation" and deploydocs() in the Documenter manual # for more information. # Documenter can also automatically deploy documentation to gh-pages. # See "Hosting Documentation" and deploydocs() in the Documenter manual # for more information. Documenter.deploydocs(; repo = "", push_preview=true )