fnames = [ "area", "ftc", "substitution", "integration_by_parts", "partial_fractions", # XX add in trig integrals (cos()sin() stuff? mx or ^m... XXX "improper_integrals", ## "mean_value_theorem", "area_between_curves", "center_of_mass", "volumes_slice", #"volumes_shell", ## XXX add this in if needed, but not really that excited to now XXX "arc_length", "surface_area" ] function process_file(nm, twice=false) include("$nm.jl") mmd_to_md("$nm.mmd") markdownToHTML("$nm.md") twice && markdownToHTML("$nm.md") end process_files(twice=false) = [process_file(nm, twice) for nm in fnames] """ ## TODO integrals * add in volumes shell??? * mean value theorem is light? * could add surface area problems """