using AbstractPlotting using AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout using GLMakie using ForwardDiff Base.adjoint(f::Function) = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, float(x)) function tangent_line(f=nothing, a=0, b=pi) if f == nothing f = x -> sin(x) end descr = """ The tangent line has a slope approximated by the slope of secant lines. This demo allows the points c and c+h to be adjusted to see the two lines""" ## From function add_move!(scene, points, pplot) idx = Ref(0); dragstart = Ref(false); startpos = Base.RefValue(Point2f0(0)) on(events(scene).mousedrag) do drag if ispressed(scene, Mouse.left) if drag == Mouse.down plot, _idx = mouse_selection(scene) if plot == pplot idx[] = _idx; dragstart[] = true startpos[] = to_world(scene, Point2f0([])) end elseif drag == Mouse.pressed && dragstart[] && checkbounds(Bool, points[], idx[]) pos = to_world(scene, Point2f0([])) # we work with components not vector x,y = pos x = clamp(x, a, b) y = f(x) points[][idx[]] = [x,y] points[] = points[] end else dragstart[] = false end return end end c, h = pi/4, .5 points = Node(Point2f0[(c, f(c)), (c+h, f(c+h))]) # where we lay our scene: scene, layout = layoutscene() layout.halign = :left layout.valign = :top p = layout[1,1:2] = LScene(scene) rowsize!(layout, 1, Auto(1)) colsize!(layout, 1, Auto(1)) layout[2,1:2] = LText(scene, descr) secline = lift(points) do pts c, ch = pts x0, y0 = c x1, y1 = ch m = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0) sl = x -> y0 + m * (x - x0) Point2f0[(a, sl(a)), (b, sl(b))] end tangentline = lift(points) do pts c, ch = pts x0, y0 = c m = f'(x0) tl = x -> y0 + m * (x - x0) Point2f0[(a, tl(a)), (b, tl(b))] end lines!(p.scene, a..b, f, strokecolor=:red, strokewidth=15) lines!(p.scene, secline, color = :blue, strokewidth = 10, raw=true) lines!(p.scene, tangentline, color = :red, strokewidth = 10, raw=true) scatter!(p.scene, points, color = :white, strokewidth = 10, markersize = 0.05, strokecolor = :black, raw = true) xlims!(p.scene, (a, b)) #ylims!(p.scene, (0, 1.5)) add_move!(p.scene, points, p.scene[end]) scene end tangent_line()