From [bennedich]( ``` 0:2e-3:2π .|>d->(P= fill(5<<11,64 ,25);z=8cis( d)sin(.46d);P[ 64,:].=10;for r=0:98,c=0 :5^3 x,y=@.mod(2- $reim((.016c-r/49im-1-im)z), 4)-2;4-x^2>√2(y+.5-√√x^2)^ 2&&(P[c÷2+1,r÷4+1]|=Int( ")*,h08H¨"[4&4c+1+r& 3])-40)end;print( "\e[H\e[1;31m", join(Char.( P))) ); ``` [New York Times]( Süss — German for “sweet” — is an interactive widget that allows you to tweak the algebra and customize the heart to your souls’s delight. It was created for Valentine’s Day by Imaginary, a nonprofit organization in Berlin that designs open-source mathematics programs and exhibitions. You can stretch and squeeze the heart by moving the two left-most sliders, which change the “a” and “b” parameters; the right-most slider zooms in and out. Better yet, canoodle directly with Süss’s equation and engage in the dialectical interplay between algebra and geometry. (Change that final z³ to a z² to see the heart in its underwear.) ``` (x^2+((1+b)*y)^2+z^2-1)^3-x^2*z^3-a*y^2*z^3 ```