```{julia} #| echo: false ## Formatting options are included here; not in CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport using QuizQuestions nothing ``` ```{julia} #| echo: false fig_size=(800, 600) nothing ``` ```{julia} #| echo: false import Logging Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Info) # or e.g. Logging.Info Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Warn) ``` ```{julia} #| eval: false #| echo: false import SymPy function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", x::T) where {T <: SymPy.SymbolicObject} println(io, " ") println(io, "\\[") println(io, sympy.latex(x)) println(io, "\\]") println(io, "") end ``` ```{julia} #| echo: false # ImageFile ## WeaveSupport from CalculusWithJulia package ## moved here to lighten up CwJ package import Base64: base64encode import Markdown using Mustache using Tables # q and L using LaTeXStrings macro q_str(x) "`$x`" end """ Take an image file and encode it ## Examples ImageFile("http://...", "caption") ImageFile("/fullpath/to_file/", "caption") ImageFile(:integrals, "figures/pic.png", "caption") ImageFile(p, "caption") # p a Plot object """ mutable struct ImageFile f caption alt width content end # 2 args f, caption ImageFile(f,caption=""; alt="A Figure", width=nothing) = ImageFile(f, caption, alt, width) # 3 args dir, f, caption function ImageFile(dir::Symbol, f::AbstractString, caption; alt="A Figure", width=nothing) basedir = replace(dirname(@__DIR__), "/src" => "") #fname = joinpath(basedir, "CwJ", string(dir), f) fname = joinpath(basedir, string(dir), f) ImageFile(fname, caption, alt, width) end # plot -> string for file function ImageFile(f, caption, alt, width) imgfile = tempname() * ".gif" io = open(imgfile, "w") show(io, "image/png", f) close(io) ImageFile(imgfile, caption, alt, width) end gif_to_img_tpl = Mustache.mt""" {{{:alt}}} """ function ImageFile(f::AbstractString, caption, alt, width) fcontent = occursin(r"^http", f) ? read(download(f), String) : read(f, String) data = base64encode(fcontent) content = Mustache.render(gif_to_img_tpl, data=data, alt=alt) ImageFile(f, caption, alt, width, content) end function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", x::ImageFile) content = x.content if content == nothing data = (read(x.f, String)) content = gif_to_image(data=data, alt="figure") end caption = (Markdown.html ∘ Markdown.parse)(x.caption) print(io, """
""") print(io, "
") print(io, content) print(io, "
") print(io, caption) print(io, """
""") end import TextWrap function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/plain", x::ImageFile) caption = (TextWrap.wrap ∘ Markdown.plain ∘ Markdown.parse)(x.caption) println(io, """ --------------------------------- | | see online version for | | image | | | -------------------------------- """) println(io, caption) return nothing end # hack to work around issue # import Markdown # import CalculusWithJulia # function CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport.ImageFile(d::Symbol, f::AbstractString, caption; kwargs...) # nm = joinpath("..", string(d), f) # u = "![$caption]($nm)" # Markdown.parse(u) # end # Table #| echo: false #https://github.com/TheRoniOne/MDTable.jl/blob/master/src/write.jl function MDTable(io::IO, df) rows = Tables.rows(df) sch = Tables.schema(rows) names = Tables.columnnames(rows) header = true headers::String = "" for i in 1:length(names) if i != length(names) headers = headers * "| $(names[i]) " else headers = headers * "| $(names[i]) " * "|\n" end end print(io, headers) println(io, "| --- " ^ length(names) * "|") for row in rows line::String = "" Tables.eachcolumn(sch, row) do val, i, nm print(io, "| ", chomp(string(val))) end println(io, "|") end end Table(d) = Markdown.parse(sprint(io -> MDTable(io, d))) table(d) = Table(d) # HTMLoutput struct HTMLoutput x centered::Bool caption::String HTMLoutput(x; centered::Bool=false, caption::String="") = new(x, centered, caption) end function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", x::HTMLoutput) if !x.centered txt = x.x else centered_content_tpl = """
""" txt = Mustache.render(centered_content_tpl; content=x.x, caption=x.caption) end print(io, txt) end function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/plain", x::HTMLoutput) caption = (TextWrap.wrap ∘ Markdown.plain ∘ Markdown.parse)(x.caption) println(io, "Content available in online version") println(io, caption) return nothing end ```