using AbstractPlotting using AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout using GLMakie using LinearAlgebra using Roots using ForwardDiff D(f) = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, float(x)) descr = """ An old optimization problem is to find the shortest distance between two points when the rate of travel differs due to some medium (darker means slower). In this example, the relative rate can be adjusted (with the slider), and the various points (by clicking on and dragging a point). From there, the user can adjust the crossing point to identify the time. """ ## From function add_move!(scene, points, pplot) idx = Ref(0); dragstart = Ref(false); startpos = Base.RefValue(Point2f0(0)) on(events(scene).mousedrag) do drag if ispressed(scene, Mouse.left) if drag == Mouse.down plot, _idx = mouse_selection(scene) if plot == pplot idx[] = _idx; dragstart[] = true startpos[] = to_world(scene, Point2f0([])) end elseif drag == Mouse.pressed && dragstart[] && checkbounds(Bool, points[], idx[]) pos = to_world(scene, Point2f0([])) # very wierd, but we work with components # not vector z = zero(eltype(pos)) x,y = pos ptidx = idx[] x = clamp(x, 0, 5) if ptidx == 1 y = clamp(y, z, 5) elseif ptidx == 2 y = z elseif ptidx == 3 y = clamp(y, -5, z) end points[][idx[]] = [x,y] points[] = points[] end else dragstart[] = false end return end end upperpoints = Point2f0[(0,0), (5, 0), (5, 5), (0,5)] lowerpoints = (Point2f0[(0,0), (5, 0), (5, -5), (0,-5)]) points = Node(Point2f0[(1, 4), (3, 0), (4,-4.0)]) # where we lay our scene: scene, layout = layoutscene() layout.halign = :left layout.valign = :top p = layout[1:3, 1] = LScene(scene) rowsize!(layout, 1, Auto(1)) colsize!(layout, 1, Auto(1)) flayout = GridLayout() layout[1,2] = flayout flayout[1,1] = LText(scene, chomp(descr)) details = flayout[2, 1] = LText(scene, "...") λᵣ = flayout[3,1] = LText(scene, "λ = v₁/v₂ = 1") λ = flayout[4,1] = LSlider(scene, range = -3:0.2:3, startvalue = 0.0) tm = lift(λ.value, points) do λ, pts x0,y0 = pts[1] x, y = pts[2] x1, y1 = pts[3] v1 = 1 v2 = v1/2.0^λ t(x) = sqrt((x-x0)^2 + y0^2)/v1 + sqrt((x1-x)^2 + y1^2)/v2 val = t(x) details.text[] = "Time: $(round(val, digits=2)) units" val end a = lift(λ.value, points) do λ, pts x0,y0 = pts[1] x1, y1 = pts[3] v1 = 1 v2 = v1/2.0^λ t(x) = sqrt((x-x0)^2 + y0^2)/v1 + sqrt((x1-x)^2 + y1^2)/v2 x′ = fzero(D(t), x0, x1) t(x′) end λcolor = lift(λ.value) do val # val = v1/v2 ∈ [1/8, 8] n = floor(Int, 50 - val/3 * 25) Symbol("gray" * string(n)) end linecolor = lift(a) do val abs(val - tm[]) <= 1e-2 ? :green : :white end on(λ.value) do val v = round(2.0^(val), digits=2) txt = "λ = v₁/v₂ = $v" λᵣ.text[] = txt end poly!(p.scene, upperpoints, color = :gray50) # neutral color poly!(p.scene, lowerpoints, color = λcolor) # color depends on λ lines!(p.scene, Point2f0[(0,0), (5, 0)], color=:black, strokewidth=5, strokecolor=:black, raw=true) lines!(p.scene, points, color = linecolor, strokewidth = 10, markersize = 0.05, strokecolor = :black, raw = true) scatter!(p.scene, points, color = linecolor, strokewidth = 10, markersize = 0.05, strokecolor = :black, raw = true) xlims!(p.scene, (0,5)) ylims!(p.scene, (-5,5)) add_move!(p.scene, points, p.scene[end]) scene