24 lines
667 B
24 lines
667 B
# The issue with `PlotlyLight` appears to be that
# the `str` below is called *after* the inclusion of `require.min.js`
# (That str is included in the `.qmd` file to be included in the header
# but the order of inclusion appears not to be adjustable)
# This little script just adds a line *before* the require call
# which seems to make it all work. The line number 83 might change.
f = "_book/alternatives/plotly_plotting.html"
lineno = 83
str = """
<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-2.11.0.min.js"></script>
r = readlines(f)
open(f, "w") do io
for (i,l) ∈ enumerate(r)
i == lineno && println(io, str)
println(io, l)