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2022-07-24 22:38:24 +02:00
# Using Pluto
#| echo: false
import Logging
Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Info) # or e.g. Logging.Info
import SymPy
function, ::MIME"text/html", x::T) where {T <: SymPy.SymbolicObject}
println(io, "<span class=\"math-left-align\" style=\"padding-left: 4px; width:0; float:left;\"> ")
println(io, "\\[")
println(io, sympy.latex(x))
println(io, "\\]")
println(io, "</span>")
# hack to work around issue
import Markdown
import CalculusWithJulia
function CalculusWithJulia.WeaveSupport.ImageFile(d::Symbol, f::AbstractString, caption; kwargs...)
nm = joinpath("..", string(d), f)
u = "![$caption]($nm)"
## Note
We see in this notebook the use of `let` blocks, which is not typical with `Pluto`. As `Pluto` is reactive meaning changes in a variable propagate automatically to variables which reference the changed one a variable can only be used *once* per notebook at the top level. The `let` block, like a function body, introduces a separate scope for the binding so `Pluto` doesn't incorporate the binding in its reactive model. This is necessary as we have more than one function named `f`. This is unlike `begin` blocks, which are quite typical in `Pluto`. The `begin` blocks allow one or more commands to occur in a cell, as the design of `Pluto` is one object per cell.