Once installed, `Julia` can be started by clicking on an icon or
typing `julia` at the command line. Either will open a *command line
interface* for a user to interact with a `Julia` process. The basic
workflow is easy: commands are typed then sent to a `Julia` process
when the "return" key is pressed for a complete expression. Then the
output is displayed.
A command is typed following the *prompt*. An example might be `2 + 2`. To send the command to the `Julia` interpreter the "return" key is pressed. A complete expression or expressions will then be parsed and evaluated (executed). If the expression is not complete, `julia`'s prompt will still accept input to complete the expression. Type `2 +` to see. (The expression `2 +` is not complete, as the infix operator `+` expects two arguments, one on its left and one on its right.)
While many prefer a command line for interacting with `Julia`, when learning a notebook interfaces is suggested. (An IDE like [Julia for Visual Studio Code](https://www.julia-vscode.org/) might be preferred for experienced programmers). In [Julia interfaces](./julia_interfaces.html), we describe two different notebook interfaces that are available through add-on packages. (These notes use `Pluto`, one of the two.)
offerings of base `Julia`. We refer to one, `CalculusWithJulia`, that is designed to accompany these notes. [Installation notes](./calculus_with_julia.html) are available.
backends; this choice is easily changed. The `gr` backend is used in these notes, though for interactive use the `Plotly` backend has advantages; for more complicated graphics, `pyplot` has some advantages; for publication `PGFPlotsX` has advantages.