[WIP] Clean up

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David Doblas Jiménez 2022-04-14 08:54:44 +02:00
parent 3f06cdb0bd
commit e1686754a5
1 changed files with 8 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from itertools import permutations
import networkx as nx
import networkx.algorithms.approximation as nx_app
from networkx.classes.function import path_weight
@ -5,28 +7,19 @@ from networkx.classes.function import path_weight
with open("files/P9.txt") as f:
routes = [line for line in f.read().strip().split("\n")]
# print(routes)
G = nx.Graph()
for route in routes:
cities, dist = route.split(" = ")
from_, to_ = cities.split(" to ")
# print(from_, to_, dist)
G.add_edge(from_, to_, weight=int(dist))
# print(G.nodes())
cycle = nx_app.christofides(G, weight="weight")
edge_list = list(nx.utils.pairwise(cycle))
paths = []
for f in cycle:
for t in cycle:
for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, source=f, target=t):
if len(path) == len(cycle) - 1:
paths.append(path_weight(G, path, weight="weight"))
for f, t in permutations(cycle, 2):
for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, source=f, target=t):
if len(path) == len(cycle) - 1:
paths.append(path_weight(G, path, weight="weight"))
print(f"Solution {min(paths)}")
print(f"Solution {max(paths)}")
print(f"Solution part 1: {min(paths)}")
print(f"Solution part 2: {max(paths)}")