Solution to problem 17 in Python

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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# --- Day 17: Two Steps Forward ---
# You're trying to access a secure vault protected by a 4x4 grid of small rooms
# connected by doors. You start in the top-left room (marked S), and you can
# access the vault (marked V) once you reach the bottom-right room:
# #########
# #S| | | #
# #-#-#-#-#
# # | | | #
# #-#-#-#-#
# # | | | #
# #-#-#-#-#
# # | | |
# ####### V
# Fixed walls are marked with #, and doors are marked with - or |.
# The doors in your current room are either open or closed (and locked) based on
# the hexadecimal MD5 hash of a passcode (your puzzle input) followed by a
# sequence of uppercase characters representing the path you have taken so far
# (U for up, D for down, L for left, and R for right).
# Only the first four characters of the hash are used; they represent,
# respectively, the doors up, down, left, and right from your current position.
# Any b, c, d, e, or f means that the corresponding door is open; any other
# character (any number or a) means that the corresponding door is closed and
# locked.
# To access the vault, all you need to do is reach the bottom-right room;
# reaching this room opens the vault and all doors in the maze.
# For example, suppose the passcode is hijkl. Initially, you have taken no
# steps, and so your path is empty: you simply find the MD5 hash of hijkl alone.
# The first four characters of this hash are ced9, which indicate that up is
# open (c), down is open (e), left is open (d), and right is closed and locked
# (9). Because you start in the top-left corner, there are no "up" or "left"
# doors to be open, so your only choice is down.
# Next, having gone only one step (down, or D), you find the hash of hijklD.
# This produces f2bc, which indicates that you can go back up, left (but that's
# a wall), or right. Going right means hashing hijklDR to get 5745 - all doors
# closed and locked. However, going up instead is worthwhile: even though it
# returns you to the room you started in, your path would then be DU, opening a
# different set of doors.
# After going DU (and then hashing hijklDU to get 528e), only the right door is
# open; after going DUR, all doors lock. (Fortunately, your actual passcode is
# not hijkl).
# Passcodes actually used by Easter Bunny Vault Security do allow access to the
# vault if you know the right path. For example:
# If your passcode were ihgpwlah, the shortest path would be DDRRRD.
# With kglvqrro, the shortest path would be DDUDRLRRUDRD.
# With ulqzkmiv, the shortest would be DRURDRUDDLLDLUURRDULRLDUUDDDRR.
# Given your vault's passcode, what is the shortest path (the actual path, not
# just the length) to reach the vault?
import hashlib
passcode = "pvhmgsws"
directions = {(0, -1): "U", (0, 1): "D", (-1, 0): "L", (1, 0): "R"}
def part_1():
visiting = [(passcode, (0, 0), "")]
while visiting:
hash, (x, y), current = visiting.pop(0)
md5 = hashlib.md5(hash.encode()).hexdigest()[:4]
for char, (dx, dy) in zip(md5, directions):
if char not in "bcdef":
# door is look
new_pos = x + dx, y + dy
if not -1 < new_pos[0] < 4 or not -1 < new_pos[1] < 4:
# out of the grid
d = directions[(dx, dy)]
if new_pos == (3, 3):
print(f"The shortest path is {current+d}")
visiting.append((hash + d, new_pos, current + d))
# --- Part Two ---
# You're curious how robust this security solution really is, and so you decide
# to find longer and longer paths which still provide access to the vault. You
# remember that paths always end the first time they reach the bottom-right room
# (that is, they can never pass through it, only end in it).
# For example:
# If your passcode were ihgpwlah, the longest path would take 370 steps.
# With kglvqrro, the longest path would be 492 steps long.
# With ulqzkmiv, the longest path would be 830 steps long.
# What is the length of the longest path that reaches the vault?
def part_2():
visiting = [(passcode, (0, 0), "")]
paths = []
while visiting:
hash, (x, y), current = visiting.pop(0)
md5 = hashlib.md5(hash.encode()).hexdigest()[:4]
for c, (dx, dy) in zip(md5, directions):
if c not in "bcdef":
new_pos = x + dx, y + dy
if not -1 < new_pos[0] < 4 or not -1 < new_pos[1] < 4:
# out of the grid
d = directions[(dx, dy)]
if new_pos == (3, 3):
paths.append(current + d)
visiting.append((hash + d, new_pos, current + d))
print(f"The longest path is {len(paths[-1])} units long")
if __name__ == "__main__":