Solution to problem 14 in Python

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David Doblas Jiménez 2023-08-12 16:42:38 +02:00
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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# --- Day 14: Extended Polymerization ---
# The incredible pressures at this depth are starting to put a strain on your
# submarine. The submarine has polymerization equipment that would produce
# suitable materials to reinforce the submarine, and the nearby
# volcanically-active caves should even have the necessary input elements in
# sufficient quantities.
# The submarine manual contains instructions for finding the optimal polymer
# formula; specifically, it offers a polymer template and a list of pair
# insertion rules (your puzzle input). You just need to work out what polymer
# would result after repeating the pair insertion process a few times.
# For example:
# CH -> B
# HH -> N
# CB -> H
# NH -> C
# HB -> C
# HC -> B
# HN -> C
# NN -> C
# BH -> H
# NC -> B
# NB -> B
# BN -> B
# BB -> N
# BC -> B
# CC -> N
# CN -> C
# The first line is the polymer template - this is the starting point of the
# process.
# The following section defines the pair insertion rules. A rule like AB -> C
# means that when elements A and B are immediately adjacent, element C should be
# inserted between them. These insertions all happen simultaneously.
# So, starting with the polymer template NNCB, the first step simultaneously
# considers all three pairs:
# The first pair (NN) matches the rule NN -> C, so element C is inserted
# between the first N and the second N.
# The second pair (NC) matches the rule NC -> B, so element B is inserted
# between the N and the C.
# The third pair (CB) matches the rule CB -> H, so element H is inserted
# between the C and the B.
# Note that these pairs overlap: the second element of one pair is the first
# element of the next pair. Also, because all pairs are considered
# simultaneously, inserted elements are not considered to be part of a pair
# until the next step.
# After the first step of this process, the polymer becomes NCNBCHB.
# Here are the results of a few steps using the above rules:
# Template: NNCB
# After step 1: NCNBCHB
# After step 2: NBCCNBBBCBHCB
# This polymer grows quickly. After step 5, it has length 97; After step 10, it
# has length 3073. After step 10, B occurs 1749 times, C occurs 298 times, H
# occurs 161 times, and N occurs 865 times; taking the quantity of the most
# common element (B, 1749) and subtracting the quantity of the least common
# element (H, 161) produces 1749 - 161 = 1588.
# Apply 10 steps of pair insertion to the polymer template and find the most and
# least common elements in the result. What do you get if you take the quantity
# of the most common element and subtract the quantity of the least common
# element?
from collections import Counter
def part_1() -> None:
polymer, polymer_rules = open("files/P14.txt").read().split("\n\n")
rules = {
s: e
for line in polymer_rules.strip().split("\n")
for s, e in [line.strip().split(" -> ")]
for _ in range(10):
polymer = polymer[0] + "".join(
rules[a + b] + b for a, b in zip(polymer, polymer[1:])
most_common = Counter(polymer).most_common()
print(f"The result is {most_common[0][1] - most_common[-1][1]}")
# --- Part Two ---
# The resulting polymer isn't nearly strong enough to reinforce the submarine.
# You'll need to run more steps of the pair insertion process; a total of 40
# steps should do it.
# In the above example, the most common element is B (occurring 2192039569602
# times) and the least common element is H (occurring 3849876073 times);
# subtracting these produces 2188189693529.
# Apply 40 steps of pair insertion to the polymer template and find the most
# and least common elements in the result. What do you get if you take the
# quantity of the most common element and subtract the quantity of the least
# common element?
from collections import defaultdict # noqa: E402
def part_2() -> None:
polymer, polymer_rules = open("files/P14.txt").read().split("\n\n")
rules = {
s: e
for line in polymer_rules.strip().split("\n")
for s, e in [line.strip().split(" -> ")]
counts = {key: polymer.count(key) for key in rules}
for _ in range(40):
new_counts = defaultdict(int)
for pair, count in counts.items():
char = rules[pair]
new_counts[pair[0] + char] += count
new_counts[char + pair[1]] += count
counts = new_counts
element_counts = defaultdict(int, {polymer[0]: 1})
for pair, count in counts.items():
element_counts[pair[1]] += count
most_common = Counter(element_counts).most_common()
print(f"The result is {most_common[0][1] - most_common[-1][1]}")
if __name__ == "__main__":